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Touching someone’s skin is a privilege that allows us not to ‘adjust’ their body,but to communicate meaningful information to their Central Nervous System which coordinates the physiological processes that will maintain homoeostasis.
Since the CNS can do it.
Because it is its raison d’être.
Toucher la peau de quelqu’un est un privilège qui nous permet non pas « d’ajuster » ses tissus, mais de communiquer des informations au Système Nerveux Central dont le rôle est de coordonner les processus physiologiques qui permettent demaintenir l’homéostasie.
Puisque le SNC peut le faire.
Puisque c’est SA raison d’être.
Other very important books

A.D. Craig, How Do You Feel? - An Interoceptive Moment with Your Neurobiological Self

D. Jacobs, DermoNeuroModulation.

Prof G. Lorimer Moseley and Dr David S. Butler, Explain Pain Supercharged

The somatosensory integration time is a period of time during which the state of apparent immobility of the body allows sensory stimuli to be transmitted to the higher nervous centres and the central nervous system to react to these stimuli, without risk of interference from other stimuli. This requires the manual therapist to pause during the treatment, an integration pause, between two consecutive stimulations.

Hakan Olausson et ses collègues, Affective Touch and the Neurophysiology of CT Afferents

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