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  • DermoNeuroModulation : is it a technique ? A system ?

  • The general idea

  • 2 ascending paths, 2 descending paths

  • What is the target ?

  • Back to the skin

  • Movement helps nerves

  • How to practice DNM ?

  • What is a tunnel syndrome ?

  • Skin as an organ

  • Cutaneous nerves

  • Spinal nerves: dorsal rami and ventral rami

Evolution of spinal nerves
Dorsal Rami of Spinal Nerves
Ventral Rami of Spinal Nerves


Treatment of the Dorsal Rami : C2 — S3
Neck and posterior head

  1. Occipital nerves (1) C2

  2. Occipital nerves (2) C2

  3. Dorsal rami of the neck (1) C3 - T1

  4. Dorsal rami of the neck (2) C3 - T1

Posterior trunk


  1. Dorsal Cutaneous Nerves (1) T1 - T12

  2. Dorsal Cutaneous Nerves (2) T1 - T12

  3. Dorsal Cutaneous Nerves (3) T1 - T12

  4. Dorsal Cutaneous Nerves (4) T1 - T12

  5. Dorsal Cutaneous Nerves (5) T1 - T12

  6. Dorsal Cutaneous Nerves T12 - L3

  7. Dorsal Cutaneous Nerves T1 - S3

  8. Dorsal Cutaneous Nerves T1 - L5


Lower Back
  1. Dorsal Rami (1) L1 - L5

  2. Dorsal Rami (2) L1 - L5

  3. Dorsal Rami (3) L1 - L5

  4. Dorsal Rami (4) L1 - L5

  5. Dorsal Rami (5) L1 - L5


Posterior Pelvis

  1. Cluneal Nerves S1 - S3

  2. Cluneal Nerves (1) L1 - L3

  3. Cluneal Nerves (2) L1 - L3

  4. Cluneal Nerves (3) L1 - L3

  5. Cluneal Nerves (4) L1 - L3


Treatment of the Dorsal Rami of Spinal Nerves T1 - T12


Lateral Trunk, inferior to the shoulder


  1. Lateral Cutaneous Rami T3 - T12

  2. Intercostobrachial Nerve (1) T2

  3. Intercostobrachial Nerve (2) T2

Anterior Trunk


  1. Anterior Cutaneous Rami T2-T6


Cervical Plexus C1 to C4

Description of the nerves

Superior Cervical Spine


  1. Suboccipital Nerve (1) C1

  2. Suboccipital Nerve (2) C1

  3. Suboccipital Nerve (3) C1

Anterolateral Nerck
  1. Superficial Cervical Plexus C3

  2. Superficial Cervical Plexus C3, variations

  3. Supraclavicular Nerves (1) C3

  4. Supraclavicular Nerves (2) C3

  5. Supraclavicular Nerves (3) C3

  6. Acromioclavicular Rete

  7. Supraclavicular Nerves C3 and Intercostobrachial T2

  8. Supraclavicular Nerves C3 Superior Lateral Cutaneous Nerve of the Arm C5

Brachial Plexus C5 – T1

Description of the nerves


  1. Nerves to muscles only C5 to C8  / Cuteaneous Nerves T1 - T2

  2. Axillary Nerve and Superior Lateral Cutaneous nerve of the Arm (1) C5 - C6

  3. Axillary Nerve and Superior Lateral Cutaneous nerve of the Arm (2) C5 - C6

  4. Suprascapular Nerve C5 - C6

  5. Dorsal Scapular Nerve C3 to C5



  1. Cutaneous Nerves (1) C3 to T2

  2. Cutaneous Nerves (2) C3 to T2

  3. Cutaneous Nerves (3) C3 to T2




  1. Cutaneous Nerves (1) C3 to T2

  2. Cutaneous Nerves (2) C3 to T2

  3. Cutaneous Nerves(3) C3 to T2


Treatment of the Ventral Rami of the Lower Limbs

Lumbar Plexus L1 - L5

Description of the nerves

Posterior Pelvis


  1. Superior Cluneal Nerves and Deep Nerves of the Hips L4 - S2


Lateral Pelvis


  1. Iliohypogastric Nerve L1

Anterior Pelvis


  1. Lateral Cutaneous Nerve of the Thigh L2 - L3

  2. Femoral Branch of the Genitofemoral Nerve L1 to L4

  3. Ilioinguinal Nerve L1


Sacral Plexus S1 to S5 - Co1

Description of the nerves

  1. Inferior Cluneal Nerves

  2. Perineal Nerves, Pudendal Nerve (1) S2 to S4

  3. Perineal Nerves, Pudendal Nerve (2) S2 to S4

  4. Coccygeal Nerve S4 - S5 – Coccygeal Plexus


Thigh and knee

  1. Posterior Cutaneous Nerve of the Thigh (1) S1 to S3

  2. Posterior Cutaneous Nerve of the Thigh (2) S1 to S3

  3. Obturator Nerve L2 to L4

  4. Posterior Branch of Saphenous Nerve L2 to L4

  5. Infrapatellar Branch of Saphenous Nerve L2 to L4

  6. Anterior Cutaneous Nerve of the Knee (1) L2 to L4

  7. Anterior Cutaneous Nerve of the Knee (2) L2 to L4


Leg and foot
  1. Sural Nerve (1) L4 to S3

  2. Sural Nerve (2) L4 to S3

  3. Sural Nerve (3) L4 to S3

  4. Fibular Nerve, Sciatic Branch L4 to S3

  5. Extras

  6. Fibular Nerve L4 to S3

  7. Plantar Nerve L4 to S3

  8. Plantar Nerve, variation L4 to S3

70 techniques


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