Module 4, Bowen
Review of previous modules
Sequence of the Sciatic Nerve
Sequence of the Adductor Canal
Sequence of the Brachial Canal of Cruveilhier
Sequence of the Masticator Muscles
Sequence of the Iliotibial Band
Sequence of the Deep Circulation of the Lower Limbs
Sequence of the Sternum
Sequence of the Trapezius-Rhomboids
Sequence of the Upper Trapezius
Sequence "Normalisation Cranio-Coccyx"
Sequence "Passiv Stretching of the Hamstrings"
Sequence of the Lower Limb in Internal Rotation
Sequence of the Pelvitrochanterians
Sequence of the Inferior Sacral Ligaments
Reflex Dermalgia of Jarricot
Sequence of the Sub-Umbilical Swelling
Orthosympathetic Normalisation via the Solar Plexus and the Splanchnic Nerves
Sequence of the Umbilicus
Sequence of the Pyramidal Muscle of the Abdomen
Sequence of the Abdomen
Sequence of the Colon
Sequence of the Ilioceacal Valve
Parasympathetic Normalisation via the Hyothyroidian Space
Sequence of the Eyes and Vision
Sequence of the Sinus
Protocol for Convulsions
Sequence of the Pudendal Nerve
PowerPoint presentation
The Immune System and the Langherans Cells
Interior Architecture, J.C. Guimberteau
The Skin as a Sensory Organ (Louise Tremblay)
Reflex Dermalgia of Jarricot
Cicatrices, inflammation et souplesse, J.C. Guimberteau