Niromathé Training Registration
The registration for a Niromathe class must be done to Niromathe France by making a deposit for the course. You can fill up the registration form at this address :
After you have filled up the registration page, click on « submit » at the bottom of the page. You will receive an email of confirmation from Niromathe France. (If you do not find it, look into your spam box.) In this email, you will be asked to click on a link which brings you to Paypal, to pay the deposit. Click on this link. Once the deposit is paid, you will get a receipt from Paypal-Niromathe; keep this receipt. At the first day of the class, bring a cheque (or cash) representing the rest of the amount to pay. AIMTC will give you a receipt for this amount.
You can find the price of the course at the bottom of the registration page BEFORE paying the deposit. This price can slightly vary from one country to another.
Politiques d'annulation / Cancellation policies
AIMTC doit planifier des déplacements internationaux. Ainsi, il est important de compter sur l'engagement des stagiaires lors des inscriptions.
1- En cas de cessation anticipée de la formation du fait de l’abandon de stage par le stagiaire pour un autre motif que la force majeure dûment reconnue, l’entente est résiliée selon les modalités financières suivantes : le dépôt n'est pas remboursable.
2- Si le stagiaire est empêché de suivre la formation par suite de force majeure dûment reconnue et avec pièces justificatives, l’entente de formation professionnelle est résiliée et le stagiaire pourra être remboursé. Dans ce cas, seules les prestations effectivement dispensées sont dues au prorata temporis de leur valeur prévue à l’entente.
3- Si le stage était annulé par AIMTC, le dépôt est remboursable à 100%
AIMTC must plan international travel. Thus, it is important to rely on the commitment of trainees when registering.
1- In the event of an early termination of training by the training organisation or abandonment of the seminar by the trainee for reasons other than duly recognised force majeure, the agreement is terminated according to the following financial terms: deposits are not refundable.
2- If the trainee is prevented from attending the course due to duly recognised force majeure, with supporting documents, the professional training agreement is terminated. In this case, only the services actually provided are due pro rata temporis to their value provided for in the agreement.
3- If the seminar was cancelled by AIMTC, the deposit is 100% refundable.